Completed Research
Child PTSD Checklist Validation (Scheeringa, PI)
The purpose of this study is to validate a new instrument that will provide more accurate assessments for research and clinical work. We aim to show that when respondents are given clearer directions on a questionnaire about the definition of traumatic versus stressful events, they will give more accurate responses about exposure to traumatic events and about the presence of (PTSD) symptoms.
Completed 2023; manuscript under review.
Neurobiology of CBT Treatment Response (Scheeringa, PI)
In 7-18 year-old youth receiving CBT, examine the neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems pre-treatment, during treatment, and post-treatment to determine how neurobiological variables associate with different treatment response trajectories.
Iteration 1, 2014-2018. Iteration 2, 2018-2020. The COVID pandemic made data collection impossible. Data are unpublished.
Additional Reliability and Validity of the DIPA (Scheeringa, PI)
Examine test-retest reliability and construct validation in the DIPA revised with Likert ratings for each symptom.
Completed October 2019; manuscript published.
D-Cycloserine Treatment for PTSD In Youths (Scheeringa, PI)
This is a randomized clinical trial of D-cycloserine plus cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus placebo plus CBT in 7-12 year-old youth. Potential biomarkers and underlying mechanisms of change, including attentional bias to threat, autonomic cardiac control, and cortisol regulation, are prospectively measured.
NIMH. 1RC1 MH-088969-01
Independent Investigator Award (Scheeringa, PI)
The major goals of this project are to test the effectiveness of D-cycloserine with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus CBT in 13-18 year-old children with PTSD.
Test anxiety screening and intervention (Weems, PI).
The overall aim of the proposed study involves testing the efficacy of a comprehensive test anxiety screening and intervention program, examining its utility as an early identification and prevention program, and training school guidance counselors (examine effectiveness) turning the project into a self-sustaining program for New Orleans schools.
Institute of Mental Hygiene
Treatment effectiveness for PTSD in Young Children (Scheeringa, PI)
The goals are to examine the feasibility and efficacy of a manualized cognitive/behavioral and parent-child relational protocol for treating PTSD symptomatology in preschool children.
NIMH. R34 MH 070827-01 A1
Research Supplements for Underrepresented Minorities (Scheeringa, PI)
The goal of this award is to support the education and research career of a minority candidate as a supplement to the PI’s concurrent R01 award.
NIMH. Supplement to 3 R01 MH065884-02S1
Posttraumatic stress disorder in preschool children (Scheeringa, PI)
The major goals are to assess the trauma response of preschool children on the multiple dimensions of psychopathology, parent-child relationship quality, and autonomic heart rate reactivity.
NIMH. R01 MH65884-01
Tulane-Charity-LSU General Clinical Research Center (Scheeringa, PI)
Assess preschool age children with EEG and salivary cortisol to determine the relationship to PTSD symptoms in this age group.
Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (Scheeringa, PI)
The aim was to multidimensionally assessment very young children (1-6 years) who had been traumatized for posttraumatic stress disorder, heart rate and heart rate variability, parental symptoms, and parent-child interaction.
NIMH. K08 MH01706-05
Completed Service Implementation Contracts
Louisiana Child Welfare Trauma Project (Scheeringa, PI)
The aims are to (1) train child welfare workers in the state of Louisiana to screen for trauma and PTSD, (2) improve collaborative stakeholders relationships around trauma services, and (3) train clinicians in evidence-based treatment.
Children’s Bureau, Administration of Children and Families.
An unpublished white paper provides an in-depth history and summary of the LCWTP project is available here.
Seven videos about the project can be viewed on YouTube that explain part of the training (Trauma and Behavioral Health Screen Training Video), key components of the project (TBH Results - Parts I and II, Repeat Screens, and CBT Video), an overview (Louisiana Child Welfare Trauma Project Overview), and the results of our mystery shopper research on the Medicaid network of providers (LCWTP: Mystery Shopper).
Ocean County Department of Human Services (Scheeringa, PI)
Provide training and ongoing consultation in Preschool PTSD Treatment.
Magellan Behavioral Health: Seed Grant Program (Scheeringa, PI)
These funds support the expansion of the Kid Catch Directory to include a consumer-driven quality rating system for mental health providers for children and adolescents in the New Orleans region.
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2013 AACAP/Assembly Advocacy and Collaboration Grant (Scheeringa, PI)
These funds supported the creation of the Kid Catch Directory, a website for pediatric primary
care providers to locate mental health providers and resources in the New Orlean region.
Early Trauma Treatment Network (Lieberman, PI)
This is one of 5 Intervention Development and Evaluation Programs (Category II) in the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) network. The aim of this regional site is to develop and disseminate interventions for young children who have been impacted by trauma
SAMHSA. 6 U79 SM54294
Child PTSD Checklist Validation (Scheeringa, PI)
The purpose of this study is to validate a new instrument that will provide more accurate assessments for research and clinical work. We aim to show that when respondents are given clearer directions on a questionnaire about the definition of traumatic versus stressful events, they will give more accurate responses about exposure to traumatic events and about the presence of (PTSD) symptoms.
Completed 2023; manuscript under review.
Neurobiology of CBT Treatment Response (Scheeringa, PI)
In 7-18 year-old youth receiving CBT, examine the neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems pre-treatment, during treatment, and post-treatment to determine how neurobiological variables associate with different treatment response trajectories.
Iteration 1, 2014-2018. Iteration 2, 2018-2020. The COVID pandemic made data collection impossible. Data are unpublished.
Additional Reliability and Validity of the DIPA (Scheeringa, PI)
Examine test-retest reliability and construct validation in the DIPA revised with Likert ratings for each symptom.
Completed October 2019; manuscript published.
D-Cycloserine Treatment for PTSD In Youths (Scheeringa, PI)
This is a randomized clinical trial of D-cycloserine plus cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus placebo plus CBT in 7-12 year-old youth. Potential biomarkers and underlying mechanisms of change, including attentional bias to threat, autonomic cardiac control, and cortisol regulation, are prospectively measured.
NIMH. 1RC1 MH-088969-01
Independent Investigator Award (Scheeringa, PI)
The major goals of this project are to test the effectiveness of D-cycloserine with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) versus CBT in 13-18 year-old children with PTSD.
Test anxiety screening and intervention (Weems, PI).
The overall aim of the proposed study involves testing the efficacy of a comprehensive test anxiety screening and intervention program, examining its utility as an early identification and prevention program, and training school guidance counselors (examine effectiveness) turning the project into a self-sustaining program for New Orleans schools.
Institute of Mental Hygiene
Treatment effectiveness for PTSD in Young Children (Scheeringa, PI)
The goals are to examine the feasibility and efficacy of a manualized cognitive/behavioral and parent-child relational protocol for treating PTSD symptomatology in preschool children.
NIMH. R34 MH 070827-01 A1
Research Supplements for Underrepresented Minorities (Scheeringa, PI)
The goal of this award is to support the education and research career of a minority candidate as a supplement to the PI’s concurrent R01 award.
NIMH. Supplement to 3 R01 MH065884-02S1
Posttraumatic stress disorder in preschool children (Scheeringa, PI)
The major goals are to assess the trauma response of preschool children on the multiple dimensions of psychopathology, parent-child relationship quality, and autonomic heart rate reactivity.
NIMH. R01 MH65884-01
Tulane-Charity-LSU General Clinical Research Center (Scheeringa, PI)
Assess preschool age children with EEG and salivary cortisol to determine the relationship to PTSD symptoms in this age group.
Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (Scheeringa, PI)
The aim was to multidimensionally assessment very young children (1-6 years) who had been traumatized for posttraumatic stress disorder, heart rate and heart rate variability, parental symptoms, and parent-child interaction.
NIMH. K08 MH01706-05
Completed Service Implementation Contracts
Louisiana Child Welfare Trauma Project (Scheeringa, PI)
The aims are to (1) train child welfare workers in the state of Louisiana to screen for trauma and PTSD, (2) improve collaborative stakeholders relationships around trauma services, and (3) train clinicians in evidence-based treatment.
Children’s Bureau, Administration of Children and Families.
An unpublished white paper provides an in-depth history and summary of the LCWTP project is available here.
Seven videos about the project can be viewed on YouTube that explain part of the training (Trauma and Behavioral Health Screen Training Video), key components of the project (TBH Results - Parts I and II, Repeat Screens, and CBT Video), an overview (Louisiana Child Welfare Trauma Project Overview), and the results of our mystery shopper research on the Medicaid network of providers (LCWTP: Mystery Shopper).
Ocean County Department of Human Services (Scheeringa, PI)
Provide training and ongoing consultation in Preschool PTSD Treatment.
Magellan Behavioral Health: Seed Grant Program (Scheeringa, PI)
These funds support the expansion of the Kid Catch Directory to include a consumer-driven quality rating system for mental health providers for children and adolescents in the New Orleans region.
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2013 AACAP/Assembly Advocacy and Collaboration Grant (Scheeringa, PI)
These funds supported the creation of the Kid Catch Directory, a website for pediatric primary
care providers to locate mental health providers and resources in the New Orlean region.
Early Trauma Treatment Network (Lieberman, PI)
This is one of 5 Intervention Development and Evaluation Programs (Category II) in the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) network. The aim of this regional site is to develop and disseminate interventions for young children who have been impacted by trauma
SAMHSA. 6 U79 SM54294