Released 2016.
Four years after the publication of his groundbreaking research study that showed that cognitive behavior therapy is both feasible and effective for very young children with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Dr. Scheeringa published the background, results, and the full treatment manual. This book describes his 12-session treatment protocol with step-by-step instructions and worksheets that can be reproduced for therapy sessions. The most well-supported, evidence-based approach to treat PTSD in very young children, this book also contains material on how to assess PTSD in young children and vignettes from real cases. Published by Guilford Press. |
A comprehensive guide to PTSD in youths
Released April 2018
The first book on the market that covers what parents and youths need to know about PTSD from A to Z while debunking the myths and demystifying the science. Dr. Scheeringa hopes it's a book that clinicians will recommend to families, and professors will use in classrooms. |
Released February 2022.
Scheeringa provides a ringside seat to reveal the myths of toxic stress, complex PTSD, mother-blaming for children's problems, and trauma-informed approaches. Scheeringa asked, "Why do experts in psychological trauma believe ideas that are not true, and feel compelled to sell them as facts? Trauma has become an ideology based on several beliefs that are unproven and is divisive for society. In this book, I explain the science, and describe my three rules of how belief becomes fact.” Supplement to the book: